Determinants of Organisational Stress and Worklife Balance: A Review of Literature


Prokreeti Mitra


Stress and work life balance is now a global buzzword. Research is going on this arena to reach out the causes behind stress and work life balance. The following literatures will be focusing on the issues associated with stress and the work life balance and the adverse outcomes of it. Here a cause and effect relationship can be established from the literature review. Stress is described as the state of emotional or mental strain that is caused due to some unavoidable circumstances. It has now become a topic for social and psychological concern for many individuals and organization both. Organizations are employees based and if the employees are not functioning in a proper manner, then the growth of organization is hampered and they fail to perform in the competitive global market. The literature review papers here chosen ranges between year 1999 to year 2011. And out of the review, the conclusion that we decipher is that stress is the outcome of excessive workload, unusual timing, low job security, less of motivation from the supervisors and coworkers, unhealthy work environment, which brings to hampering the health as well as the job of an employee. And since stress and work life balance are both having a cause and effect relationship with each other, or are intertwined terms the adverse outcomes of stress has a negative impact on individuals work life balance which is mainly seen in the dual-working couples.
