A Report on Maiduguri Hand Embroidered Cap Stock Exchange


Ashiedu Peter Ogboli


The former Alkome Clinic junction and bus stop at Ahmadu Bello Way by Monday Market, Maiduguri, Borno State, is currently the centre of a thriving hand embroidered cap stock exchange. It is strategically located and connects all parts of Maiduguri in a single bus or taxi ride. A large quantity of handmade caps is traded there daily. Prices are set depending on the volume of trade, the quality of the product, and several other factors, including seasonal festivities, cash flow among the brokers and patrons.This paper reports on the study, which involves hundreds of male and female participants. A daily average census is made, while an estimate of the cash value if the commodity is also studied. Young women predominates the design area of the trade, while males predominate as brokers. The professional training and other relevant information are derived from the study. The study also aims to highlight the state of affairs in these viable vocations, and hopes to generate additional scholarly work that could help government and other stake holders; optimally tap into its potentials and similar initiatives.
