Mothers' Participation in Hepatitis B Immunization of Infant Based on Health Belief Model (HBM) at Puskesmas Maesan Bondowoso


Hendro Prasetyo


Hepatitis B is now become endemic in some countries, including Indonesia. The prevalence number of hepatitis B virus infection in Indonesia is around 3-20%. The risk of chronic hepatitis B is much greater in early life compared to adulthood. The risk of chronicity of hepatitis B virus infection in infancy is 90-95 %, and 25-30 % of them develop into liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. As occurred in PuskesmasMaesanBandowoso, by interviewing 50 mothers, it is found as many as 120 infants infected with hepatitis B virus. The most effective way to prevent hepatitis B virus is by immunization. Hepatitis B immunization is given to infant after HbsAg screening on pregnant mother. This study aims to look at the effect of susceptibility, severity, benefit, obstacle, and action indicator towards mothers' participation in hepatitis B immunization based on Health Belief ModelatPuskesmasMaesanBondowoso. The result shows that indicators which have significant effect towards mothers' participation are susceptibility, severity, and obstacle indicator. Besides, the obtained value ofR-Square Nagelkerkeis 0.494, this shows that the influence of indicator towards mothers' participation in hepatitis B immunization based on Health Belief Model at Puskesmas Maesan Bondowosois 49.4%.
