Effectiveness of Colouring and Playdough Method on Fine Motoric Skills of Pre School Student in Mojokerto, Indonesia


Ika Suhartanti
Zulfa Rufaida
Widy Setyowati
Fitria Wahyu Ariyanti


Fine motor development is still a problem of the children and toddlers development in the world and Indonesia. One of the efforts to improve fine motor skills is by coloring and playdought methods for preschoolers as an educational game therapy. This study aimed to examine the fine motor development of preschoolers through coloring and playdough methods. This research design used a series of pretest-posttest design by involving 60 kindergarten students which were divided into 4 groups consisting of 15 respondents. First group was given the playdought method, 2nd group  was given the coloring intervention, 3rd  group was given the coloring method and playdough and 4th  group was the control. Interventions were given 2 times a week for 4 weeks. Before the intervention was given, the whole group was pre-tested. Evaluation of fine motor skills was done by observation that use  performance test conducted at the end of each experiment. The results of data collection were then analyzed using multivariate anova. The results of the study showed that after the post test at 4th week, there was a change in fine motor skills ranging from groups 1 to 4 (F = 328,961 and p value = 0,000). The fine motor skills of children who received the best combination of coloring and playdough therapy (mean = 85.33, SD = 1.29) increased almost 4 times more than the initial measurement (mean = 18.33, SD = 4.74) compared to the three other groups.
