The Importance of Values and Valuing Driven Force in Enhancing Students' Academic Performance in 21st Century Mathematics Learning


Olaoluwa Samuel A.
Areelu Fisayo


It is a common knowledge that any task which does not have value cannot be treasured. Valuing plays a significant role in every task. The value attached to a task determines how much effort to put in for its accomplishments. This paper therefore examines the place of valuing in mathematics instruction. Valuing in mathematics instruction is examined extensively to x-ray its potency towards enhancing all-encompassing instruction with value-oriented pedagogical approach. One of the most important aspects of values and valuing lies in the fact that it supports the development of cognitive states. It is evident that attending to the cognitive and affective development of mathematics, learner alone is not sufficient to bring about meaningful learning. In this paper, it is observed that facilitating the valuing of relevant attributes in mathematics learning by the learners themselves is a crucial component of mathematics pedagogy, for this in cognitive functioning and nurturing of affective states that would ultimately impact on the quality of learning. It is therefore recommended that mathematics teachers should endeavor to plan classroom instruction in mathematics under the attributes of connection, understanding, communication and recall reflecting intrinsic valuing and also the attributes of application and relevance as the extrinsic aspects of valuing in mathematics.

