Provision of Basic Training Programme towards Equipping Recruits with Policing Skills in Tanzania Police School
This study was conducted to examine the provision of a basic training programme towards equipping recruits with policing skills. The study was guided by Malcolm Knowles' andragogy theory. The study employed a convergent research design under mixed methods research approach. The target population was 3019 recruits, 389 instructors, 4 operation commanders, 1 chief instructor, 1 adjutant and 1 commandant found in Tanzania police school. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 312 recruits; an expert sampling technique was used to select 40 instructors, while a total population sampling technique was used to select 4 operation commanders, 1 chief instructor, 1 adjutant and 1 commandant to make a total sample of 359 respondents who were obtained through Yamane's formula. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect the information. The calculated reliability coefficients for recruits' and instructors' questionnaires were 0.742 and 0.751, respectively, while the aspects of conformability were used to ensure the reliability of the interview guide. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics presented in tables. The qualitative data was analyzed by developing themes and presented in narrative form and direct quotations. The study established that the lecture method is the most pedagogical approach used. Furthermore, the study revealed that practical lessons were also given. The study concluded that the basic recruits training programme is conducted through a lecturing method where practicals were also given and a learner-centred method was used but sparingly. The study recommends that TPS management should continuously assess training programmes to make sure recruits receive the necessary skills.