Digitalization of Insurance in a Transforming Economy Based on the Experience of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Azimov Rustam Sadykovich
Mirsadikov Miradil Abdullayevich
Dr. Shamsuddinov Bakhodir Rakhimovich


This article considers the current state of implementation of digital technologies in the insurance industry of Uzbekistan. The authors propose ways to develop an insurance business based on the use of modern information technologies and data analysis. The paper considers the main problems faced by insurance companies in Uzbekistan, such as the low level of public reliance on insurance, lack of qualified personnel and shortcomings in management. Emphasis is placed on the prospects for the development of digital insurance in Uzbekistan and its impact on the economic development of the country. The authors emphasize that digitalization has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of insurance companies and the quality of customer service. In conclusion, the authors note that digitalization is a necessary condition for the development of Uzbekistan's insurance market in the context of a transforming economy. It is expected that the results of the study will be useful for managers of insurance companies, students, researchers, and all interested parties involved in the development of Uzbekistan's insurance market.
