Practices of Internal Quality Assurance Process: Examining Lived Experience of Secondary School Academic Members of Staff within Njombe Region, Tanzania
The main purpose of the study was to examine the practice of Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) process among secondary school teachers in Njombe Region, Tanzania. The objective of the study was to investigate how IQA is conducted in schools. The study employed a qualitative research approach and descriptive case study design. These research components facilitated the collection of data in real-life situations. The study used 20 respondents, including 10 internal quality assurers, 8 frontline teachers and 2 District Education Officers. Purposive sampling was used to select Internal Quality Assurers and District Education Officers because they were given the opportunity to run IQA in schools. Simple random sampling was used to select frontline teachers because they know how IQA is conducted at school. The study was guided by two theories: constructivism and humanism. Constructivism theory, guided by the aspect of social interaction while socially and culturally constructed in real-life situations, provided the practice of the IQA process. On the other hand, Humanism theory guided the aspect of love, sense of connection, autonomy, respect, recognition, freedom, and friendship to allow concern related to IQA process. Data were generated through interviews and documentary review methods. The interview method employed a semi-structured interview guide to internal quality assurers, frontline teachers and district educational officers while audio-taping each respondent for almost 30 to 45 minutes using phones. A review of the documents was used to check the contribution of IQA practice in the implementation of curriculum objectives. The study revealed that the practice of IQA relies on the preparation of a scheme of work, lesson plan, lesson notes, teaching aid and putting signatures in a class journal. Awareness is still needed on the new reform to allow teachers to understand the practice of the IQA process rather than relying on teaching documents.