Rambangan and Lelebusayan as a Local Maritime Tradition Embraced by the Artisanal Fishing Community in Sapeken Sub-district, District of Sumenep, Indonesia


Putu Rudy Satiawan
Bambang Hari Wibisono


The artisanal fishing community in the Saseel and Tanjungkiaok villages in the Sapeken sub-district lives by the marine resources in the maritime area of the Sapeken sub-district. They are engaged in fishing activities through the extraction of fishery resources and seaweed cultivation. Owing to insufficient resources, the fishermen have agreed to utilize resources sparingly for the continuous supply of resources and sustainability of the lives of the fishermen. An effort to maintain the sustainability of the resources is through agreeing to use traditional extraction equipment such as fishing rods and agreeing on the pattern of resource extraction, which is based on the principle of kinship and togetherness. However, social sanction is sometimes applied to fishermen who conduct activities through extraction mechanisms beyond that which are collectively agreed upon; for example, a ban on the extraction within a certain time in the common maritime spaces. Consequently, the conception of Rambangan and Lelebusayan has subsequently emerged and has been developed by the artisanal fishermen communities in Saseel and Tanjungkiaok as a local maritime tradition. This is used as the main life reference for the artisanal fishermen community. Rambangan is a maritime tradition that obliges artisanal fishermen within the community to behave socially, whereas Lelebusayan is a maritime tradition that obliges the artisanal fishermen community to behave spiritually in their utilization of resources.
