The Extent to Which Teachers Perceive Open Performance Appraisal System in Enhancing Work Commitment in Public Secondary Schools in Moshi District, Tanzania
The study investigated the extent to which teachers perceive OPRAS in enhancing their work commitment in public secondary schools in Moshi District, Tanzania. The study was guided by one research question for which the researcher searched for a response. The study was guided by the Management by Objectives theory (MBO), which was propounded by Peter Drucker in 1954. Convergent Research Design under Mixed Research Methods was adopted. The target population was 1239 teachers, 10 heads of schools, one DSEO and one TCS secretary. The study used total population and stratified random sampling techniques to determine the study sample, which consisted of 136 respondents. Instruments for data collection were questionnaires and In-depth interview guides. Face and content validity was ensured by three MWECAU research experts. Pilot testing was done in two public secondary schools. The reliability was aided by the Likert-items type, which was estimated using Cronbach's Alpha, whereby the results obtained from the teachers' questionnaire were 0.74. Triangulation and peer debriefing were used to ensure the reliability of the interview guide. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data in frequencies, means and percentages and presented in tables with the aid of SPSS version 22. Qualitative data were transcribed and analyzed thematically. The study found that teachers in public secondary schools perceive negatively that OPRAS enhance work commitment in public secondary schools. Some teachers do not believe that OPRAS effectively enhances their overall job dedication and engagement. This negative perception highlights a gap between teachers who had expectations and those who perceived the effectiveness of the OPRAS system. The study recommends that the government should come up with practical mechanisms to ensure that all teachers work effectively and efficiently in order to improve general organizational performance.