Role of Public Administration Practices on Service Delivery in Kiminini Sub-County, Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya
The level of residential care, especially guard, in the kiminini Sub-County, Trans Nzoia, is important in this study. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of public administration strategies in service delivery in Kiminini Sub-County. This study was guided by the following research objectives:
- Identifying the consequences of community development processes for service delivery in Kiminini Sub- County, Trans Nzoia County,
- Evaluating the impact of sustainable development management strategies on service delivery in Kiminini Sub-County, Trans Nzoia County
This study was based on Max Weber 'reasonable legal right' of legitimate government. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population of the study was 200 personnel. The study utilized Yamane formula to come up with a sample size of 133 respondents. The questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. A pilot study was conducted to test the validity and reliability of the research instruments. Research experts, comprising the supervisors, ensured that the content, especially the questionnaire was relevant and appropriate for the study and ascertained the content validity of the instrument. The study used Cronbach's coefficient alpha to determine the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire. Data that were collected were checked for accuracy, cleaned, and coded to facilitate analysis. Analysis was done using descriptive statistics that included frequencies, mean, percent, standard deviation, and inferential statistics. The data were analyzed with the aid of SPSS Version 25.0. Analyzed findings were presented using tables and figures. The study findings were that:
- Community development practice had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.345, p<0.05),
- Sustainability management practice had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.258, p<0.05),
- Law/order maintenance practice had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.375, p<0.05), and
- Leadership practices had a positive and significant effect on service delivery (β=0.312, p<0.05)
This study concluded that community development practice, sustainability management practice, law and order maintenance practice, and leadership practices had a positive significant effect on service delivery. Therefore, the study recommended that county personnel should make more attempts to carry out community development practices, sustainability management practices, law and order maintenance practices, and leadership practices to enhance service delivery.