The Influence of Human Resources Scorecard on Good Corporate Governance in BUMN Companies in Indonesia
SOEs are encouraged to have good corporate governance, or what can be called Good Corporate Governance (GCG), in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of SOEs No. PER-01/ MBU/ 2011 concerning the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs. Human resources scorecard (HRSC) is a way to measure and display the performance of the HR field comprehensively, which is directly related to the achievement of company goals as a strategic partner in running the company's business. Qualitative descriptive research, 9 Dimensions of HRSC and 1 GCG, Purposive Sampling Data Collection Technique with Survey Questionnaire using a sample consisting of 130 BUMN Employees in Indonesia, which was tested through Multiple Linear Regression Analysis using SPSS 27 Independent variables Workplace Company, Employee Satisfaction, Internal Management Performance, Relationship Climate between Companies and Employees have a positive effect and Internal Labor Performance, Management Patterns, HRM Practice Functions, and Performance Results have a negative effect on GCG in BUMN Companies in Indonesia to rise up and better understand the proper and optimal implementation of GCG. Since the impact of implementing GCG with improved performance as a result of company transformation, of course, is also felt by employees in the form of increased welfare by implementing GCG, GCG is applied to employees to increase effectiveness and competence.