Relationship between Marketing Advancement and Performance of Manufacturing Enterprises in Kenya
In the last ten years, researchers have pointed out the development of new ideas of innovation in manufacturing enterprises. Among the most explored approaches to innovation is constant interaction with customers. The study was anchored on the General Theory of Innovation (GTI). The target population was senior managers of all the 710 manufacturing companies in Nairobi and the surrounding areas. To determine the sample size, the statistical formula suggested by Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) and Saunders et al. (2009) was used to arrive at a sample size of 274. The researcher employed a stratified simple random sampling technique based on the sub-sector of manufacturing enterprises. Data were collected through a structured open and closed-ended questionnaire. Before embarking on data collection, the instruments were piloted to ensure they were valid and reliable. The study established a positive relationship between marketing advancement and performance (β =0.712, p-value=0.00<0.05). The study recommended that managers of manufacturing enterprises in Kenya ought to endeavor to enhance their online presence, specifically on social network platforms, to improve better customer responsiveness towards complaints and compliments of their products. Policymakers such as the government of Kenya should provide a better trading environment, especially on dumping cheap substandard products in the market to enhance the performance of local manufacturing enterprises.