The Intermediate Role of Organizational Culture in the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior and a Research Related to It
People spend the most important hours of their day at work. To enjoy this time they spend at work, they need to be satisfied with their work. If the employee's job satisfaction and organizational commitment are high, he makes his job more attentive and enjoyable. It works by using all the means at its disposal in order for the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. In addition, by exhibiting organizational citizenship behavior, the employee undertakes duties for the organization even if it is not his duty, makes suggestions for the organization when necessary, and helps his colleagues. The employee who is compatible with the organizational culture cooperates with the organization. The fact that organizations have employees who love their job, are loyal to the organization and are compatible with the culture of the organization enables organizations to reach their goals and objectives quickly.
This research aims to examine the mediating role of organizational culture in the effect of employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior. The universe of the research consists of 300 employees in a private company in Bakırköy, Türkiye.