Outsourcing Human Resource Functions and Organizational Performance: A Study of Some Selected Commercial Banks in Nigeria
Through this study, the effects of outsourcing training and development programs and the recruitment process on organizational performance were assessed. The study employed a survey research design with a created and validated questionnaire. Members of the HRM Department from these selected commercial banks who made up the study's overall population size of 100 were the respondents. A sample size of 80 was chosen using Taro Yamane's sampling formula. With the use of SPSS and a linear regression model, the gathered data were evaluated. The study's findings revealed a substantial association of (0.940 and 0.815, respectively) between the characteristics of outsourcing human functions and organizational performance. The study came to the conclusion that outsourcing human resource functions such as the recruitment process and training and development has a significant impact on organizational performance. In accordance with the findings of the study, it was recommended that human resource managers spell out the job descriptions of the applicants in the portfolio that will be given to these outsourcing firms to enable them to perform better in the search for these candidates.