Analysis of the Role and Contribution of Fishermen's Wives to Family Income in Likupang Barat District, North Minahasa Regency, Indonesia
Lembeh West Likupang District is one of the tourist destinations in North Sulawesi and even in Indonesia. West Likupang District consists of 20 villages and three of them are villages located on the coast that have quite well-known beach tourism potential, namely Bahoi Village, Jayakarsa Village and Bulutui Village. The existence of these three coastal tourist village destinations helps the economy of the people who live in this coastal tourist area. Women's contributions are made to help their husbands earn a living, which in the end is expected to increase family income so that family needs are met. This research is intended to be based on this.
The research aims to identify and analyze the forms of activities of fishermen's wives and forms of independent business apart from being a housewife as well as supporting the family economy in West Likupang District and to analyze how much income fishermen's wives contribute to the income of fishermen's families in West Likupang District.
The research location was in Bahoi Village, Jayakarsa Village, Bulutui Village, West Likupang District and purposive sampling research method was used to carry out the research. The criteria for respondents were being married to a fisherman and living in Bahoi Village, Jayakarsa Village, and Bulutui Village. The number of respondents in each village was 10 people, so there were 30 respondents in total.
The research results show that there are two roles for fishermen's wives in carrying out daily activities, namely, the domestic role and the public role. The contribution of fishermen's wives' income to family income is 42%. This value shows how big a role women play in increasing family income and meeting family needs.