Influence of Stakeholders’ Participation on the Performance of M&E Systems among NGOs Functioning in Loima Sub-County, Turkana, Kenya


Benson Lokwang Lometo
Dr. Charles Nyamwaya


To complete activities in any company setting effectively, monitoring and assessment systems are required. Despite having qualified personnel, a clear goal and vision, financial stability, and good governance processes, some local NGOs were having management issues or even risking closure. Recently, several initiatives have realized a greater need for monitoring and assessment. NGOs in developing nations, such as Kenya, face a variety of issues that have not yet been handled. This study was interested in ascertaining the influence of stakeholder involvement on the performance of monitoring and evaluation systems among NGOs operating in Turkana, Kenya's Loima Sub-County. The theory of change and open system theory served as the foundations of the research study. A descriptive study design with a survey approach involving questionnaire distribution was used. 97 participants were chosen at random from a pool of 129 people using the stratified random selection technique. Also, senior managers' interviews targeting 5 managers from the NGOs with over ten staff and a focus group discussion involving a participant from each of the 14 NGOs with the M&E staff provided more qualitative data. For validity, the study used the content validity index test whereby CVI of 0.7 and above indicated that the instrument items were valid. To assess the correctness and uniformity of the data, a Cronbach alpha test was performed; an accuracy of 0.7 indicated that the instruments used were adequate. All data-related operations, such as coding, sorting, tidying up, and editing, were carried out in order to perform statistical analysis using the SPSS program version 24. The study's findings demonstrated that the inclusion of stakeholders significantly increased the efficiency of M&E systems amongst NGOs operating in Loima (r=.685, p =.000). The research advises the management of the organization to set up safety precautions for M&E systems and to make sure they were strictly followed. To increase effectiveness, NGOs should think about including participants at every step of the project. The researcher recommends conducting additional research to determine the variables influencing the set-up of M&E Systems, even if it was not the main topic of this academic paper.


How to Cite
Benson Lokwang Lometo, & Dr. Charles Nyamwaya. (2024). Influence of Stakeholders’ Participation on the Performance of M&E Systems among NGOs Functioning in Loima Sub-County, Turkana, Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 12(4). (Original work published April 30, 2024)