Effect of e-procurement on Supply Chain Performance of Level 6 Hospitals in Kenya: A Case Study of Kenyatta National Hospital


Mulinge David Ndivo
Dr.Wycliffe Arani


The study aimed to elucidate the relationship between e-procurement and supply chain performance, offering an empirically grounded framework. It focused on assessing e-procurement's impact on supply chain performance in Kenya's level six hospitals, specifically analyzing the effects of e-tendering, e-invoicing, and e-payment within these institutions. The theoretical framework was based on Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory, transaction cost economics theory, and dynamic capability theory. A descriptive research design was employed, targeting 143 employees from the finance and procurement departments of Kenyatta National Hospital. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed with SPSS version 26, employing both descriptive and inferential statistics to derive findings and conclusions regarding the study variables. The results indicated that e-tendering (β= 0.328; t= 4.739; p= 0.000), e-invoicing (β= 0.239; t= 2.005; p= 0.000), and e-payment (β= 0.416; t= 1.901; p= 0.02) had a statistically significant positive impact on supply chain performance. With an overall p-value of 0.000 and an adjusted coefficient of determination of 75.6%, the study confirmed that e-procurement significantly affects supply chain performance in level six hospitals. The findings conclude that e-procurement practices positively and significantly enhance the supply chain performance of level six hospitals in Kenya. The study recommends broadly adopting e-procurement practices, including e-tendering, supplier assessment, e-invoicing, and e-payments, to enhance supply chain performance in Kenya's level six hospitals. Further research is suggested on the impact of e-procurement on supply chain performance in other government institutions, such as public universities.



How to Cite
Mulinge David Ndivo, & Dr.Wycliffe Arani. (2024). Effect of e-procurement on Supply Chain Performance of Level 6 Hospitals in Kenya: A Case Study of Kenyatta National Hospital. The International Journal of Business & Management, 12(4). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijbm/2024/v12/i4/BM2404-012 (Original work published April 30, 2024)