Enhancing Employee Engagement and Participation in Strategic Planning among Public Sectors in Tanzania


Dr. Kaanaeli Gabriel NNko


Engaging employees in the strategic planning process is essential for the successful implementation of strategic objectives in the public sector globally and in Africa in particular. A number of studies have been carried out to rationalise the importance of employees' engagement in the strategic planning process. Nevertheless, there was a scarcity of studies that investigated the strategies used by public organisations to ensure the active participation of employees in the strategic planning process. The current study filled the gap by examining strategies employed by public organisations to ensure the engagement and Participation of employees in the Strategic Planning Among Public Sectors in Tanzania. The study was carried out in Dar-es-Salaam region, Tanzania, involving 20 participants selected through purposive and convenient sampling techniques from public sectors. Interviews were used to collect field data, which were analysed thematically, and the themes emerged. All research ethics principles were observed during data collection, including seeking participation consent from participants and ensuring participants' information is kept confidential. From the analysis, the findings indicated a number of strategies employed by public sectors in Tanzania to ensure the engagement and participation of employees in the strategic planning process. They identified strategies that include participatory workshops, task forces and committees, and training and development. Others are feedback mechanisms and clear communication channels, performance management alignment and incentives, and continuous improvements. The study findings conclude that engagement and participation of employees in the strategic planning process is essential and that the identified strategies used by public sectors in Tanzania create a more inclusive and participatory strategic planning process, leading to better alignment, engagement, and successful implementation of strategic initiatives.


How to Cite
Dr. Kaanaeli Gabriel NNko. (2024). Enhancing Employee Engagement and Participation in Strategic Planning among Public Sectors in Tanzania. The International Journal of Business & Management, 12(5). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijbm/2024/v12/i5/BM2405-014 (Original work published May 31, 2024)