Servant Leadership as an Impetus to Conflict Management among Pastors in Selected Urban Churches in Kenya


Musya, Anna
Dr. Gathogo, Nguchie
Chiroma, Nathan


The study looked into the connection between servant leadership and interpersonal conflict management among pastors from two denominations in urban towns in Kenya. Servant leadership was considered the independent variable, while interpersonal conflict management styles were considered the dependent variable. Three objectives guided the study: to find out how emotional healing affects interpersonal conflict management, to determine how putting followers first affects interpersonal conflict, and to examine the effect of behaving ethically on interpersonal conflict among pastors in selected urban churches in Kenya. The study applied a pragmatic philosophical approach and used the convergent parallel mixed methods approach to collect data. The study calculated a sample size of 123 responses, of which 75 participants responded. Quantitative data was analyzed using STATA v17. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationships between the constructs of the variables. Findings from the study indicated that servant leadership behaviours of emotional healing, putting followers first and behaving ethically had an effect on accommodating, compromising, and collaborating conflict management styles among pastors in selected urban churches in Kenya. The findings provided empirical strength to the practice of servant leadership behaviours for effective interpersonal conflict management. The researcher recommended that leadership training for pastors incorporate the practical applications of servant leadership behaviours for enhanced interpersonal conflict management among pastors.


How to Cite
Musya, Anna, Dr. Gathogo, Nguchie, & Chiroma, Nathan. (2024). Servant Leadership as an Impetus to Conflict Management among Pastors in Selected Urban Churches in Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 12(5). (Original work published May 31, 2024)