The Effect of Remote Working Model on Organizational Commitment: An Application in the IT Sector in Turkey
Objectives: This research aimed to examine the effect of the remote working model on organizational commitment in the IT sector in Turkey.
Methods: A survey consisting of the Remote Working Scale and the Organizational Commitment Scale was conducted on 398 participants working in the IT sector in Turkey. The results were analyzed using structural equations and generalized linear model methods.
Results: According to the results of the SEM analysis, the effect of the remote working model on the emotional commitment levels of employees was negatively affected by work-life conflict, while effectiveness/productivity and institutional trust were positively affected. Flexibility did not have any significant contribution to the effect of the remote working model on emotional commitment. While work-life conflict and effectiveness/productivity had significant effects on the effect of the remote working model on continuance commitment, the effects of institutional trust and flexibility were not significant. The effects of work-life study, effectiveness/productivity, institutional trust and flexibility on the effect of the remote working model on normative commitment are all statistically significant.
Conclusion: Organizational commitment, which is an important indicator of the belonging of employees to the organization and their level of work for that organization, affects affective and normative commitment, but not commitment to continue working in the remote work model. This study showed that organizational commitment has important managerial significance in determining the organizational behavior of employees in the remote work model.