> ISSN 2321-8916
> Area: Business & Management
> Access: Open Access (OA)
> Frequency: Monthly
> Language: English
> Review Process: Double - Blind Peer Review
> Indexing: Global
> DOI Prefix by Crossref: 10.24940
> Impact Factor: 1.223 (IIFS)
> Certificate for Publication
> Publisher: Globeedu Group (ISO 9001:2015) 
> 'Call For Paper' July Issue, 2024 Submit Paper

'The International Journal of Business & Management' embarks on a journey across the globe as a monthly peer reviewed open access academic international journal, distinctive of business & management study. 'The IJBM' is available electronically through products and services provided by ProQuest LLC, 789 East Eisenhower Parkway, PO Box 1346, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-1346.

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Honoline Cutie Niyigena
Executive Secretary, Qatar Airways, Rwanda

"You are a very efficient publishing house! I am impressed by your professionalism!”

Bernard K
Student, Jomo Kenyatta University, Kenya

"I appreciate for the good work that you have done and I am looking forward to continue publishing with you.”

Shweta Sharda
Assistant Professor, University of Delhi, India

"It was a pleasant experience to have my research paper published in your esteemed journal. Thank you for your cooperation at all stages of publication."

Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024

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