Toward Parental Empowerment: Exploring the Beneficiaries' Perspectives on Positive Parenting Education in Tanzania: A Case of Temeke District, Dar es Salaam Region, Tanzania


William Manyama


This study explored the beneficiaries' perspectives on positive parenting education in Tanzania. Data were collected using interviews, FGDs and documentary review methods. The study also employed case study research design and qualitative research approach. The data indicate that parenting has remained a difficult area. Despite the interventions done to provide parents with parenting education that is considered to be positive, there are still some dilemma in the practice as the parents have accepted some of the skills and rejected or modified some of them to suit their local context. The findings also indicate that the beneficiaries' perspectives on positive parenting education are strongly influenced by their personal experiences, background, history, religion, legal and social-cultural attributes. The study concludes by holding that the successfulness of positive parenting education in Tanzania depends on understanding on what it means by good parenting among the local people and that not everything that is imposed to the local community can gain acceptance. The study has three fundamental recommendations; one is that the positive parenting education has to incorporate the traditional parenting education which is also perceived positive in a given context, even though it is considered negative in the eyes of expert. The study acknowledges that parenting issues are extremely contentious, they cannot be explained by single line of reasoning or model. Secondly, more studies have to be conducted to understand how positive parenting education is perceived across social-cultural and economic environment in Tanzania, the findings from which are to form the basis of improving parenting skills at a given area. Thirdly, positive parenting education in the communities require much time, need to be mainstreamed in different professions and supported by all social institutions available in the society. This is because; traditional practices among the local communities are deeply rooted.


How to Cite
Manyama, W. (2017). Toward Parental Empowerment: Exploring the Beneficiaries’ Perspectives on Positive Parenting Education in Tanzania: A Case of Temeke District, Dar es Salaam Region, Tanzania. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(1). Retrieved from