Contribution of Perkerra Irrigation Scheme to the Livelihoods of Marigat Sub-county Residents in Baringo County, Kenya


Valentine Jepkemoi Kirui


Perkerra irrigation scheme in Marigat Sub-County was initiated by well-wishers to boost food security, increase standards of living in the area and reduce dependency on donors and government for support owing to frequent severe droughts. However, to date, the area still experienced food shortages calling into question the effectiveness of the irrigation scheme. The main purpose of the study was to assess the contribution of Perkerra Irrigation Scheme as source of livelihood of residents in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of Marigat Sub-county. The study therefore aimed at establishing the economic activities engaged by people living in Marigat Sub County and ascertain the contribution of Perkerra irrigation scheme to people's livelihood in Marigat Sub County. This study adopted survey research design in which the target population comprised of 13,000 direct beneficiaries of the scheme and the two project managers of the scheme. Simple random sampling was used to select 388 beneficiaries. The irrigation scheme project managers were purposively selected. Questionnaires and key informant interviews were used as the main data collection instruments in addition to observation. Data was then analyzed using descriptive analysis that is mean mode and standard deviation and presented in tables. Pekerra irrigation scheme contributed greatly to the livelihoods of residents of Marigat Sub-County since it directly constituted or influenced the major livelihood activities in the area such as horticulture, direct employment, and technology transfer. The main economic activities engaged by residents of Marigat Sub-County emanating from the scheme included: horticultural farming, mixed farming, and small scale irrigation for local crop production. Other indirect livelihood activities include apiculture, goat keeping, direct employment and trading with farm products obtained from Pekerra irrigation Scheme. The scheme also contributed to economic empowerment, food security, social, technological and infrastructural development which affects livelihoods of communities. The study therefore recommends that the scheme considers integrating other livelihood activities which although not core to the irrigation component, they could benefit through the infrastructure and systems set up through the scheme.


How to Cite
Kirui, V. J. (2017). Contribution of Perkerra Irrigation Scheme to the Livelihoods of Marigat Sub-county Residents in Baringo County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(1). Retrieved from