The Role of Stakeholders' Seniority, Perception and Attitude on the Implementation of Collaborative Learning in Samara University


Woldeab Daniel Eka
Salih Ahmed Mohammoda
Tesfalem Hagos


Collaborative learning involves an acquisition of knowledge and skill through active helping and supporting among status-equals or matched companions. Samara University has started to implement collaborative learning across all colleges and batches four years ago. This study was aimed at investigating the role of stakeholders' seniority, perception and attitude on the implementation of collaborative learning. It was carried out at Samara University from September 2015 to March 2016. The study has taken samples from academic staffs and students by taking their seniority in to considerations. A total of 300 (100 teachers and 200 students) were included in the study considering their seniority and the where colleges they were hired and enrolled. The linear regressions were computed to see the effect of seniority, perception and attitude on implementation of collaborative learning. The result has pointed out that though seniority of students had nothing to do with implementation of collaborative learning, teachers' seniority was affecting it significantly. Besides this, stakeholders' perception and attitude towards collaborative learning were found to be significantly affecting implementation of collaborative learning at (p<0.05). The Pearson product moment correlation done for variables has also indicated that the correlation between attitude of students and teachers with implementation of collaborative learning was found to be (r=0.337, p < 0.01), that of their perception (r=0.250, p < 0.01) and teachers' seniority was (r=0.232, p < 0.01); all found to be positively significantly correlated to implementation of collaborative learning, whereas, students' seniority was failed to do so. In conclusion, positive attitude of both stakeholders as well as their positive perception and seniority of teachers were found to be predictors of proper implementation of collaborative learning, whereas, students' seniority was found to be hindering factor of it.



How to Cite
Eka, W. D., Mohammoda, S. A., & Hagos, T. (2017). The Role of Stakeholders’ Seniority, Perception and Attitude on the Implementation of Collaborative Learning in Samara University. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(1). Retrieved from