Influence of Self Career Management on Organisational Performance: A Case of Kisumu County Government, Kenya


Songa Joseph Veckery
Oloko Margaret


Career self-management is priority factor for employee in any organizational. Modern organization has abandoned career management of its talent pool due to pro-activeness and complex diversity of its employee. This has facilitated very competitive workforce that benefits both the employee and organization. The aim of the article is to establish the influence of career self-management on performance of Kisumu County Government in Kenya. The research method is descriptive survey. The total population consists of 500 employees in 9 Ministries of Kisumu County Government. Data was collected through questionnaire and sampling done through stratified random sampling and analyzed using STATA software. The results indicated a positive correlation with significant relationship between self career management and organizational performance at 95% confidence and probability of less than 0.05 which show low insignificant to which it's true that self career management influence performance of Kisumu County Government.


How to Cite
Veckery, S. J., & Margaret, O. (2017). Influence of Self Career Management on Organisational Performance: A Case of Kisumu County Government, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(2). Retrieved from