A Challenge for Teachers in Class: How to Cope with Slow Learners


Maria del Rosario Freeman Suarez
Isel Ramirez Berdut
Pedro Manuel Ramirez Gueton


Slow learner: "It is a student with the ability to acquire all necessary academic skills, at a rate and depth below that of the average student” Muppudathi, G p.98 2014. Currently, there are many ways to diagnose the kind of students that teachers have in class. But there is also lack of experience in identifying slow learners, and sometimes they are considered as disable learners. This article tries to explain the concept about this diagnosis category, and also how to differentiate it from a disability. Taking into consideration that learning began in the preschool years, the period where the children assimilate the fundamental issues of the scientific knowledge, abilities and values; the researchers can give examples of how to take care of this kind of student, through the observation among others and from their own experience in teaching and growing up children. To support and confirm the validity of this work the document analysis of updated scientific literature related to this topic was developed. Finally, to corroborate its notion, experts' opinions were taken into consideration.


How to Cite
Suarez, M. del R. F., Berdut, I. R., & Gueton, P. M. R. (2017). A Challenge for Teachers in Class: How to Cope with Slow Learners. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(2). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125239