Tri-Sikkha (Threefold Learning) Approach: Buddhist Mental Development


Chanunthakorn Kiatjanon


Buddhist mental development is to enhance mental quality of people by calming mind in order to generate wisdom, to solve problem in daily life, to live in the real world without suffering, and to do the best for all duties. Therefore, developing mind to have efficacy and effectiveness can be achieved by using Tri-Sikkha Approach, due to the reason that Tri-Sikkha is a system and practice procedure to develop people in 3 aspects: 1) behavioral development – Sīla – morality, 2) mental development – Samādhi – concentration, and 3) wisdom development – Paññā – wisdom. This system or procedure aims people to live their life in the right way by applying Tri-Sikkha Approach to support the prosperity as the nature of wisdom.

The morality development is to develop or to practice individual's behavior in order to entrench in the discipline, to not cause trouble, to live with others happily, to be generous to other people in the society, to be responsible to duty, and to behave well based on ethics.

The mental development is to develop or to train individual's mind to be strong and stable, to grow with ethics, such as loving-kindness and compassion, hardworking, tolerance, concentration, vivacity, and beatitude. Therefore, there should be mental training by continually practicing meditation because concentration is necessary to mental development. This training aims to generate courage and determination to develop work to reach its goal, to practice to study or to do the duty with intention and tolerance by practicing meditation to calm mind.

The wisdom development is to develop or to train the wisdom to know and to understand the truth, to know the world and living conditions, to liberate mind, to be freed from defilements and suffering, to solve all problems with wisdom by self-studying and self-practicing in the hard time. In addition, it is important to have thinking process to carefully solve problem step by step, and to be able to solve problem during work on the current conditions.


How to Cite
Kiatjanon, C. (2017). Tri-Sikkha (Threefold Learning) Approach: Buddhist Mental Development. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(2). Retrieved from