Water Scarcity and Socio-Economic Development in Rural Communities of Zimbabwe: The Case of Bulilima District, Zimbabwe


Wayne Malinga
Whitehead Zikhali
Buhe Nleya


One of the most crucial natural resources which can make a meaningful contribution to the socio-economic development of rural communities is water. It is widely used for various reasons or purposes ranging from household chores to agricultural purposes. In Zimbabwe, water resources have faced various constraints due to the negative impact of climate change and unreliable rainfall patterns which have significantly contributed to water scarcity within the country. Policies on water in the country have been geared towards redressing the colonial imbalances of unequal distribution of water between commercial farms, urban areas and rural areas instead of increasing water availability and access to the poor households in the rural areas. Previous colonial policies abandoned the development of rural areas even through the distribution and access of water. This paper delves into this intriguing history of water policies in Zimbabwe and whether they have managed to benefit the disadvantaged rural communities. In addition, this paper links the relation between water and socio-economic development. It concludes that the availability of water is crucial in the survival of rural communities who are largely dependent on water for their agricultural activities which is the main source of the economy.


How to Cite
Malinga, W., Zikhali, W., & Nleya, B. (2017). Water Scarcity and Socio-Economic Development in Rural Communities of Zimbabwe: The Case of Bulilima District, Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(2). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125256