Decolonizing Biblical Interpretation: An Analysis of the Colonial Missionary Gospel and Its Impact on Entrepreneurial Development in Africa with Reference to Methodist Church in Zimbabwe


Caroline Dimingu
Wilfred Dimingu


This research is an inquiry into the gospel which shaped the theology of missionary churches in general and the Methodist church in particular. It argues that missionary churches have continued to preach the gospel of embracing poverty which is a product of the missionary manipulated biblical interpretation Data was collected through interviews from randomly selected members of the Methodist Church. Findings reveal that the missionary churches have not embraced the gospel of entrepreneurial development as the panacea to sustainable development. This paper therefore challenges the Methodist Church to develop a post-colonial interpretation of the bible which seeks to promote sustainable development in Zimbabwe.



How to Cite
Dimingu, C., & Dimingu, W. (2017). Decolonizing Biblical Interpretation: An Analysis of the Colonial Missionary Gospel and Its Impact on Entrepreneurial Development in Africa with Reference to Methodist Church in Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(2). Retrieved from