Evaluation of Factors Affecting Implementation of Procurement Plans in Public Universities in Kenya: A Case of Kisii University, Kenya


Bwombengi Heizel Nyanchoka
Walter Okibo Bichanga


Procurement is a critical and indispensable activity to all organizational units, ranging from households to firms, organizations and the government. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the factors affecting implementation of procurement plans in public universities in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the effects of staff competence on implementation of procurement plans in Kisii University, to establish the effects of procurement regulations on implementation of procurement plans in Kisii University and to determine the effects of financial resources on implementation of procurement plans in Kisii University, Main Campus. The study employed descriptive research design. The target population was all members of the procurement unit and all user departments of Kisii University, Main Campus.  This study employed a stratified random sampling to choose a sample of 61 respondents. The study found out that, underbidding, unfair and dishonest conduct were absent during the research, that procurement officials do not make improper use of their position, that professional and job-related responsibilities are placed before personal gain and individual interest, that employees did not engage in dishonest or unethical actions, and that items that were not in the plan are sometimes procured and that there is splitting of contracts for similar goods. The study revealed that staff competence, procurement regulations and financial resources have significant effect on implementation of procurement plans in Kisii University. The study concluded that the university management should pay suppliers in time, since delayed payments leads to delivery of goods and services.


How to Cite
Nyanchoka, B. H., & Bichanga, W. O. (2017). Evaluation of Factors Affecting Implementation of Procurement Plans in Public Universities in Kenya: A Case of Kisii University, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(3). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125289