Extent to which Cell Phones Enhance Market Information Sharing for Beef Cattle Smallholders in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania


Neema S. Urassa
Zebedayo S. K. Mvena
Eligy M. Shirima


Many studies worldwide indicate that cell phone is one of the channels that could facilitate rapid access to information even to smallholder farmers in low-income group; however, the extent to which cell phones technology enhances beef cattle market information sharing for smallholders in Tanzania is not well documented. To fill part of the information gap, this study examined the extent to which cell phone technology enhances beef cattle market information sharing among the actors in Mpwapwa District, Dodoma Region, in Tanzania. A sample of 120 respondents, 12 key informants and four focus groups of discussants were consulted. Quantitative data used Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to compute descriptive statistics including means, frequencies, percentages and multiple responses. In addition, inferential analysis using Chi-square (χ2) test at p ≤ 0.05 was also computed. Qualitative data were analysed thematically through content analysis. Results showed significant association between access to beef cattle market information via cell phones and the numbers of cattle buyers consulted; buyers accessed; calls received for cattle orders per month; cattle buyer's phone numbers owned and cell phone's airtime expenditures per individual per week. This shows the extent to which cell phones enhance access to instant cattle market information from various stakeholders involved at any time. On the basis of these findings it is concluded that this innovative pathway enhances rapid consultations and access to cattle buyers when a critical need arises. Based on the above conclusion it is recommended that cell phone service providers in collaboration with relevant ministries/organs should plan for programmes that can convey market information to smallholder cattle producers on monthly basis in order to realize the efficacy of cell phones in beef cattle subsector's development.



How to Cite
Urassa, N. S., Mvena, Z. S. K., & Shirima, E. M. (2017). Extent to which Cell Phones Enhance Market Information Sharing for Beef Cattle Smallholders in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(3). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125292