Analysis of Coconut Farming (Cocos Nucifera L) in the Tidal Area of Jambi Province, Indonesia


Rozaina Ningsih
Fachrurrozi Sjarkowie
Marwan Sufri
Dessy Adriani


This study aims at analyzing the cost, revenue, income and efficiency of coconut farming. Method of this research was descriptive by using survey technique. To select locations of thebstudy, purposive sampling was used in two regencies namely Tanjung Jabung Barat and Tanjung Jabung Jambi Timur with consideration as the central of the coconut farming. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. The analysis model used was the analysis of the cost of farming, farm receipts, farm income and farm business efficiency analysis. The results showed that the averagecost of coconutfarming is Rp. 6,895,159 / ha / year, the average receipts of coconut farming is Rp.25.805.995 / ha / year and the average income of coconut farming is Rp.19.098.135 / ha / year. R / C ratio of 3.74 (> 1) showed the farming by the farmers is efficient and profitable to keep running.


How to Cite
Ningsih, R., Sjarkowie, F., Sufri, M., & Adriani, D. (2017). Analysis of Coconut Farming (Cocos Nucifera L) in the Tidal Area of Jambi Province, Indonesia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(3). Retrieved from