The Challenges of Ethiopia's Peacekeeping Operations in the North-South Sudan Conflict: Abyei Since 2011


Teferi Mengistu Mekonen


 The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges of Ethiopia's peacekeeping operations in north- South Sudan conflict in the case of Abyei since 2011 in the maintenance of peace and security in the region. With this intention, the study followed a qualitative methodological approach that deemed necessary for this kind of research which deals with underlying issues that are usually cannot be understood in a quantifiable manner. The data collection process depended up on secondary data. Findings of the study show that the Ethiopia's peacekeeping troops which is called United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) has faced the following major challenges that have impeded the role of Ethiopia's peacekeeping troops. These include Lack of Humanitarian aid, mutual mistrust between the government of Sudan and South Sudan, Logistics problem and the size of the troops compared to the geographical area. For more successful future peacekeeping operation of the force and the sustainable peace of the Abyei region, however, the study suggests that the Ethiopian peace keeping force should work cooperatively with both governments to affirm their commitment to the full implementation of the Abyei referendum, the Government of north and South Sudan should clear their armed forces from conflicting areas, Conduct a thorough and full investigation into human rights abuses committed in Abyei since 2011,United Nations has also expected to increase the number of troops in Abyei , United Nations, African Union, IGAD, individual African countries, US and coordinated international assistance is necessary to help these countries in order to strengthen the security, good governance, and to establish the prevalence of rule of law in the region.


How to Cite
Mekonen, T. M. (2017). The Challenges of Ethiopia’s Peacekeeping Operations in the North-South Sudan Conflict: Abyei Since 2011. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(4). Retrieved from