Gender Based Violence in Zimbabwean Primary Schools: An Analysis of Reasons and its Impact on Children


E. Chikwiri


While women, men, boys and girls can be victims of gender based violence, women and girls are the primary victims because of their subordinate social status. This study analyses the reasons and impact of gender based violence on girls in primary schools. It uses Participatory Action Research (PAR) where children and the researcher engage as active participants in a joint research process. Research tools comprised a visual tool (cause and consequence tree) and semi-structured interviews. Participants comprised of twenty primary school girls who were victims of gender violence, ten primary school head teachers, two police officers and two social workers. The study was carried out in two districts of Zimbabwe, which are Marondera and Harare.  Findings revealed that gender based violence is prompted and maintained by gender inequalities and imbalances in power between males and females whereby different forms of violence are considered an affirmation of male dominance. Cultural social norms which socialize men to be dominant, aggressive and controlling were also cited as reasons for gender based violence in schools. Some male participants believed girls are the weaker sex so boys enjoy exercising their power over them both physically and emotionally.  Head teachers partly ascribe gender based violence in schools to poverty which keeps girls unschooled, dependent and academically weak. The girls are unable to escape unfair social demands as they are undervalued and not respected. Head teachers felt this could be seen by the forced participation of girls in child labour in different sectors to earn money for school fees, school uniforms and books and other necessities for their families. The impact of gender based violence was cited by participants as: school dropout, self –blame, depression, suicidal thoughts, insecurity and self-hate among others.


How to Cite
Chikwiri, E. (2017). Gender Based Violence in Zimbabwean Primary Schools: An Analysis of Reasons and its Impact on Children. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(4). Retrieved from