Effects of Networking as a Business Linkage on the Growth of Dairy Enterprises in the Mount Kenya Region


Mungania A. Kithinji
R. W. Gakure
Kabare Karanja


This research aimed at investigating the effects of networking as a linkage on the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises in the dairy sector in the Mount Kenya region. The paper discusses the background and describes the study problem. The specific objectives and the guiding questions have also been enumerated clearly followed by a review of the literature related to the study including the various business growth models while attempting to inquire into the relationship between networking as a business linkage and enterprise growth. The paper presents the conceptual framework and an analysis of the empirical data. The next section describes the methods used in the study, describing the design, population, sampling procedures, instrumentation, data collection, data analysis and presentation. The study revealed that networking has positive effects on the growth of the Dairy Enterprises in the Mount Kenya Region. Specifically, the study found that business networking led to increased business growth among the dairy enterprises especially profitability, employment, market share, and product base. The key conclusions are that networking frequency is high among the dairy enterprises in the Mount Kenya region. The study also concludes that networking is key to the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises in the dairy sub-sector. Several recommendations are also presented among them promotion of networks, creation of awareness on networking opportunities, creation of an enabling environment and providing incentives for both sizes of enterprises (micro, small, medium and large enterprises) to create mutually beneficial and productive networks.


How to Cite
Kithinji, M. A., Gakure, R. W., & Karanja, K. (2017). Effects of Networking as a Business Linkage on the Growth of Dairy Enterprises in the Mount Kenya Region. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(5). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125374