An Investigation of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) Proficiency of Librarians in University Libraries in the 21st Century, Edo State, Nigeria


Ikenwe, Iguehi Joy
Idhalama, Ogagaoghene Uzezi
Elogie, Ademakhe Anne
Saliu, Anode Ferdinard


As the World is advancing technologically, librarians must become proficient as information image makers in the use of ICT in order to survive in this 21st century. Therefore, this study investigates ICT proficiency of librarians in University libraries in the 21st century. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of all professional, Para-professional and system based librarians at University of Benin, Ambrose Alli University and Benson Idahosa University with ICT skills with a sum total of 60. Total enumeration sample size was used and purposively sampling technique was adopted for the study. Questionnaire was used to collect reliable data for this research and data analyzed using simple percentage and chi square was used for the hypotheses. Findings revealed that librarians are acquiring considerable basic skills in ICT. However, they need to concentrate more on network-based services and digital services. The study also revealed that librarian's age doesn't affect ICT proficiency and the factors that propel the acquisition of ICT skills are to; be relevant in the profession and the society, for personal development and to render effective services. It was recommended that, there should be an increase in the library subvention for more ICT gadgets and library standing policies should support the use of ICT in the management of libraries.


How to Cite
Joy, I. I., Uzezi, I. O., Anne, E. A., & Ferdinard, S. A. (2017). An Investigation of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) Proficiency of Librarians in University Libraries in the 21st Century, Edo State, Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(6). Retrieved from