The Two Conjunctive Problems of Terminology and Classification in the Regulation of Addictive Substances (Drugs)


Moses Ediru


This work focuses on the indiscriminate use of terminologies and inadequate classification of substances (drugs) with addiction-forming and addiction-sustaining liability. To achieve its objective this work embarks on the analysis of the epithets usually deployed to describe this category of drugs, in texts and oral discourse. Particularly the definition of drug abuse is given pre-eminence and the correlation between the terminologies in use and classification fully demonstrated. Some of the findings in the work are that; (1) most of the epithets in use have fallen into oblivion; (2) there is the lack of medical characterization of strange substances abused in Nigeria. In the circumstance, this work holds the view that, "Controlled Addictive Substances” best refers to the category of drugs under consideration. Furthermore, the adoption of the relevant drug treaties requires further legislative measures to achieve meaningful drug control.


How to Cite
Ediru, M. (2017). The Two Conjunctive Problems of Terminology and Classification in the Regulation of Addictive Substances (Drugs). The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(6). Retrieved from