Administrative Law and Its Reforms


Anjum Chattha


Administrative law provides the organization, powers and procedures for the administration when it is performing its duties with respect to citizens. Administrative law is meant for the protection of the rights of the citizens against mighty administration.

This study is made to see that how administration is working with citizens in the state and how it is ensured that the administration is working fairly, reasonably, justly and effectively. In U.K, U.S.A and in Pakistan laws relating to the administrative work are brought forth with their objectivity to protect citizens from the unfair, unjust and unreasonable practices of the administrative bodies.

The focus of this study is that whether the administrative laws of U.K, U.S.A and Pakistan are meant to protect the rights of the citizens. Whether the administrative principles envisaged through enactments in these countries are providing sound foundation for the effective working of executive-cum-administration.

To analyze the above questions the research method, adopted is qualitative. The description of Administrative laws is made which are curing administrative problems which arose with the passage of time. Various statute books on the subject and case laws are studied and extraction is made for the curing of administrative problems.

The rule of law theory by A.V. Dicey explained in "The Law of The Constitution.” provided the core footing for the working of administrative law. The Statutory Instruments Act 1946 provided procedure for delegated legislation. The Tribunals and Enquiries Act lays down that tribunal must act like normal adjudicatory courts. The U.S.A administrative conference is eagerly researching on this law and is suggesting reforms in the administrative law.

Today the functions of the administration must be open. There are also research councils for the improvement of the administrative law. The law of administration in Pakistan is evolving. The Local Government institutions are evolving in this country. Administrative law in any country must be participatory, rights based and accountable to the state.


How to Cite
Chattha, A. (2017). Administrative Law and Its Reforms. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(12). Retrieved from