Determinants of Enrolment in Home Science Subject in Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case of Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
This study sought to establish the determinants of enrolment in Home Science in secondary schools in Elgeyo Marakwet County. This study was guided by two specific objectives: to determine how availability of teaching resources affects enrolment of Home Science in secondary schools and to examine the influence of maintenance levels of the teaching resources on enrolment of Home Science in secondary schools. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. Purposive sampling technique was used to select all the six (6) County secondary schools offering Home Science subject. This was to ensure a homogenous group for the study with the aim of curbing extraneous variables. Purposive sampling technique was also used to select one hundred and sixteen (116) students in form four taking Home Science subject and Snow ball sampling technique was used to select fifty (50) form four students who dropped Home Science subject. Six (6) Home Science teachers were further purposively selected together with the six (6) Principals of the sampled schools. This study had a total sample of one hundred and seventy-eight (178) respondents. Data was collected by use of questionnaire, interview schedule and observation checklist. Data was analyzed descriptively. This study established that schools were fairly equipped and that availability of resources have an influence on enrolment of Home Science subject, where there is an increase of resources, the enrolment increases and vice versa. The study recommends that schools should be aided by both the public and private sectors in equipping and maintaining the available teaching and learning resources.