The Impact of International Economic Variables on China-USA Relations, 2000-2016


Sayel Falah Al-Serhan


China and United States seek to build a partnership of cooperation based on mutual respect and mutual benefit to achieve the common interests of the both countries in the security, economic, and social fields. In addition, China's foreign policy is seeking to expand its production of consumer goods in order to compete the great powers economically which leads to achieve the economic interests from all sides; growth, stability, sovereignty and political prestige (Hussain, 2010). Chinese foreign policy is tracking the American style of accreditation, while china follows a pattern of independent behavior in its foreign economic policy, at a time when the united states is playing the role of an international stabilizer in order to maintain a certain level of competition with china at the economic and the political level; in order to maintain its status as a single axis in the international community (Abu Amoud, 1998). The two countries rely on foreign investment and import of natural and food resources to develop their economic capacity and reach the political support through coalitions. Thereby increasing the level of economic and policy penetration. Where China's goals are to be a world oriented market. In addition to achieve a high degree of export the generated profits on the Chinese state. China has taken advantage of its market to expand its strategy abroad with the aim of raising per capita GNP and creating a multi-power system (Mohamed, 2011). As for the economic and political goals of the United States towards China is to turn china into a capitalism state, obtains a share of the Chinese consumer market and the expansion of investment in order to exploit the existence of a well-equipped environment in which the efficiency of working hand cheap (Thabet, 2005).


How to Cite
Al-Serhan, S. F. (2017). The Impact of International Economic Variables on China-USA Relations, 2000-2016. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(11). Retrieved from