The Legal Framework for the Corporate Existence of Nigeria


Anozie Miriam Chinyere
Nwatu Samuel I.
Onyeabor Emmanuel U.


Ever since the creation of Nigeria in 1914, Nigerians have not been given the opportunity to adopt a constitution to govern them, despite the proclamation in the preamble of some of the Nigerian constitutions. All the constitutions applied during the colonial era were formulated and imposed on Nigerians by the colonial masters. On attainment of independence even the 1960 Constitution was a creation of the colonial government. Subsequently, after the military era, the 1979 and 1999 Constitutions were regarded as military legislations imposed on Nigerians by the military government. This has led to repeated agitation for a national conference which is an exercise in constitution making, to enable Nigerians adopt a constitution to govern them. If this happens it will redeem the falsehood provided in the preamble of the 1999 Constitution, that the Constitution is the collective authorship of the Nigerian people. The constitution will also secure the respect of the Nigerian people and produce in them an ethic or democratic behaviour which is essential for the survival of constitutional democracy. This will definitely strengthen the corporate existence of Nigeria.


How to Cite
Chinyere, A. M., I., N. S., & U., O. E. (2017). The Legal Framework for the Corporate Existence of Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(9). Retrieved from