Strategies Employed in the Repatriation of South Sudanese Refugees from Kakuma Camp to South Sudan


Omukkoko Willy
Okoth P. G.


South Sudan has been involved in armed conflicts for more than 60 years. The first war between Sudan and South Sudan lasting from 1955 to 1972 was brought to an end following the signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement in which regional autonomy was agreed. A second civil war began in 1983 and became Africa's longest conflict ending in 2005 with the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).  The CPA created prospects for a peaceful South Sudan ushering in detailed preparation and eventual repatriation of some refugees from Kakuma camp in Kenya to South Sudan.  This research article studied the strategies employed in the repatriation of South Sudanese refugees from Kakuma refugee camp to South Sudan between the year 2005 and 2013 before the outbreak of the third civil war in South Sudan. The article examined the strategies by focusing on inter -related themes of mobilisation and registration of refugees for repatriation, the role of Government of Kenya in refugee management and repatriation, organised and spontaneous return of refugees, dilemma caused by new asylum seekers to the camp management and finally the limits of repatriation as a durable solution.

To realize the purpose of the study, the researcher employed descriptive research design that involved description and analysis. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect primarydata. Data was collected from refugee respondents, camp management officials and Kenya government officers at Kakuma refugee camp.  Secondary data was collected through library study of books, newspapers, government reports, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) annual reports, journal articles, research papers and theses the data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques.  Data was presented in tables, charts and graphs.


How to Cite
Willy, O., & G., O. P. (2017). Strategies Employed in the Repatriation of South Sudanese Refugees from Kakuma Camp to South Sudan. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(9). Retrieved from