High School Student Ratings of Teaching: Differences between Rural and Urban Students in Vietnam


Sai Cong Hong
Tang Thi Thuy


This study investigated the differences in understanding student, teaching method, classroom management, student assessment, and teacher-student relationship of the feedback from rural and urban students. A random sample of rural students (N=316) and urban students (N=253) were selected in this study. Linear regression analysis was used to examine the impact of the predictor variable (school location) on the dependent variable (student satisfaction).  Results indicated that the feedback from two groups of students were significantly different on dimensions including Understanding student, Teaching method, Classroom management, Student assessment, and Teacher-Student relationships.


How to Cite
Hong, S. C., & Thuy, T. T. (2017). High School Student Ratings of Teaching: Differences between Rural and Urban Students in Vietnam. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(9). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125672