Managerial Challenges Affecting Family Welfare Support Non-Governmental Organizations' Performance in Nairobi City County, Kenya


Alice Bahizi
Johnson Mavole
Michael Tedd Okuku


The purpose of this study was to investigate on the managerial challenges affecting family welfare support NGOs' performance in Nairobi City County. The main objective of this study was to explore the managerial challenges facing family Non-Governmental Organizations within Nairobi City County. The study focused on the following specific objectives to understand these managerial challenges: it examines how knowledge and skills affected performance of family welfare NGOs in Nairobi city county, established how networking influences the effectiveness of these family welfare NGOs, found out how financial resources affected operations of family NGOs in Nairobi City County and investigated how communication affected operations of family NGOs in Nairobi City County. Descriptive survey research design and mixed approaches were used to get responses from the sample population of the study on managerial challenges facing family welfare NGOs in Nairobi City County. Data was collected using Questionnaires administered to the targeted population, telephone interviews were conducted to collect data from the directors, desktop review was used to generate past empirical reviews. Organizational files were also being used to get the past information on management in relation to the family welfare NGOs in Nairobi City County. From the findings, 94% of respondent were in agreement that knowledge and skills promotes efficiency and effectiveness on NGOs' performance. 94% disagreed with the statement that NGOs Family in Nairobi lacks enough skilled workers. 56% of the respondents agreed that the absence of good legal and regulatory frameworks in family NGOs is as a result of the lack of knowledge and skills from the leadership while 44% were of contrary opinion. 56% agreed that weak governance structures in family welfare NGOs places them at a risk of non-continuity while 44% disagreed. To determine whether these differences were significant, T-test was employed at the 0.05 level of significance and a calculated P value of 0.2652 obtained. This was found (p=0.2652 >0.05). Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, there are no significant differences between knowledge and skills and performance of family welfare NGOs. 90% of the respondents agreed that networking and communication improves efficiency and effectiveness in family welfare NGOs. 56% of the respondents believed that lack of good networking creates a duplication of roles for family welfare NGOs in Nairobi County while 38% thought otherwise.  To determine whether these differences were significant, T-test was employed at the 0.05 level of significance and a calculated P value of 0.0032 obtained. This was found (p= 0.0032>0.05). Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. Therefore, there are significant differences between organizational networks and performance of family welfare NGOs. 100% agreed that family welfare NGOs are purely dependent on donor funding and finally 56% indicated that conditional funding given to family welfare NGOs by international donors hampers their effectiveness while 38% disagreed with the statement. To determine whether these differences were significant, T-test was employed at the 0.05 level of significance and a calculated P value of 0.0366 obtained. This was found (p= 0. 0.0366>0.05). Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. Therefore, there are significant differences between financial resources and performance of family welfare NGOs. T-test was employed at the 0.05 level of significance and a calculated P value of 0.2277 obtained. This was found (p= 0.2277>0.05). Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, there are significant differences between organizational communication and performance of family welfare NGOs. The study concluded that, good governance is fundamental to accountability and transparency. The study recommended that the management of NGOs should emphasize on staff track record in governance and financial management, NGOs should embrace international and Local Networking, this will provide opportunities for mutual learning, identifying appropriate development initiatives and generating learning resources, NGOs that dependent on external funding for sustained existence should continue to pursue increasingly their own sources of funding and should have dedicated professional fundraising human resource capacity.


How to Cite
Bahizi, A., Mavole, J., & Okuku, M. T. (2017). Managerial Challenges Affecting Family Welfare Support Non-Governmental Organizations’ Performance in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(9). Retrieved from