Globalization and Terrorism: Generalizing from the Nigerian Experience


Goodnews OSAH


Societies globally are unsafe today following the unabating efforts of terrorist bands who undermine public peace through a host of violent strategies including hostage taking, massacres, suicide bombing, media propaganda and the deployment of high intelligence in the use of modern communications equipment in a psychological and violent warfare against unsuspecting third parties. The challenge here is how to prevent these from using information communication technology (ICT) since it is available and cheap to all. Though work acknowledges that one man freedom fighter is another man terrorist.  The paper emphasizes the need for a unified data base system in Nigeria as options to combat the terrorism menace.


How to Cite
OSAH, G. (2017). Globalization and Terrorism: Generalizing from the Nigerian Experience. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(7). Retrieved from