Farmers' Awareness on Climate Change and Adaptation Practices in Mpwapwa District, Dodoma-Tanzania


Immaculate O. Gillo
Jeremiah Mkomage
Hozen Mayaya


Climate change has serious impacts on human livelihood, particularly rural farmers whose livelihoods depend on agriculture. The extent to which these impacts are felt depends in large part on the level of farmer's awareness and adaptation in response to climate change.  This study examined farmers' awareness on climate change in Mbori and Makutupa villages, in Mpwapwa district. The study determined farmers perceived causes of climate change and assessed adaptation practices in coping with climate change. Data were collected through participant observation, interview and Focus Group Discussion from 100 respondents. Factor analysis was used to analyze the awareness of the farmers on climate change and effectiveness of adaptation strategies. Results show farmers awareness on the impact of climate change was very high with 86% of respondents being aware that, climate change is caused by deforestation (80%), charcoal burning (69%), overstocking (60%), and farm activities (46%). The study further revealed that farmers have some knowledge to change their farming practices to cope with the impact of climate change. The Adaptation measures include planting of drought tolerant crops and engaging in irrigation schemes.

The study further recommends formulation of effective policies that will help farmer's adaption to climate change by investing on appropriate adaptation technologies, increase access to information, extension services and more involvement of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), media, and private sector.


How to Cite
Gillo, I. O., Mkomage, J., & Mayaya, H. (2017). Farmers’ Awareness on Climate Change and Adaptation Practices in Mpwapwa District, Dodoma-Tanzania. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(7). Retrieved from