The Influence of System Releasing the Credit to a Satisfactorily Rate of Members Cu. Karya Murni Medan


Nawary Saragih


Credit Union (CU) Karya Murni Medan is a unit of cooperative with core business to release credit and also hold accepting savings. The members of CU got many complains on length time wasted process in administration of application credit as standard to CU. How the system of releasing credit may influence significantly to their satisfactorily as members. The objective of this study is to determine the influence of system in releasing the credit to their satisfactorily as member of CU. The population to this study involved all members of CU Karya Murni Medan some 7,200 persons. Taken the sample of 96 persons by sampling error.  In collecting the data, this study adopted documentary technique and by questionnaire. In analyzing the data, it has used a simple linear regression method. Conclusion:  The system in applied is not optimal yet to satisfaction mainly on the time length spent from the point of submitting application up to realization. The interest rate offered is noted higher than other CU has in offering. The members complained for lately to respond, still on charges to pay administration. For equation of y = 0.727+0.803.x, means, the system influencing positively to their satisfactorily. The correlation coefficient rate of 0.769, means, the system has positively correlation to their satisfactorily. The determinant coefficient rate of 0.591, means their satisfactorily be credible by the system for credit in released of 59.1%, while another 40.9% is indicated by other factor. In examination, in zcount = 11.646 > ztable = 0.000, so H0 is refusal, means, the system has significantly influence to their satisfactorily as members to CU, it is acceptable on significantly rate of 5%.


How to Cite
Saragih, N. (2017). The Influence of System Releasing the Credit to a Satisfactorily Rate of Members Cu. Karya Murni Medan. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(7). Retrieved from