Impact of Small Scale Irrigation Schemes in Addressing Food Shortages in Semi-Arid Areas: A Case of Ingwizi Irrigation Scheme in Mangwe District, Zimbabwe


Muzerengi Tapiwa
Mapuranga Danemore


The endeavor of Ingwizi small scale irrigation scheme was to address food shortages in Mangwe District. However, it remains a pressing issue as economic and social problems continue to affect farmers. The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of Ingwizi small scale irrigation scheme in addressing food shortages in Mangwe District. Qualitative research methods were used in the investigation. A sample of forty six people was selected using purposive sampling that is typical, critical and expert sampling. Data was collected using focus group discussion, observation and key informant interviews. Analysis was done using the thematic approach. However the yields produced have not yet addressed the food insecurity situation in the district. This was due to lack of government support and lack of finance from farmers which arrested the community's ability to produce enough food from the irrigation scheme. The study recommended that, the farmers in the irrigation scheme should get subsidized inputs from the government and also the selling prices should be lucrative to cater for overhead expenses, to sustain their families and to ensure the viability and sustainability of irrigation on rural livelihoods.


How to Cite
Tapiwa, M., & Danemore, M. (2017). Impact of Small Scale Irrigation Schemes in Addressing Food Shortages in Semi-Arid Areas: A Case of Ingwizi Irrigation Scheme in Mangwe District, Zimbabwe. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(7). Retrieved from