The Boko Haram Conundrum: A Menace against the Contours of Liberal Societies (Case of Cameroon, Nigeria, Mali and Niger)


Gabsa Nyongbet Wilfred


This paper explores the relation between terrorism”from the standpoint of the Boko Haram insurgency in Cameroon, Nigeria, Mali and Niger and security in liberal societies. It argues that terrorism constitutes a major threat to the survival of liberal societies. The Boko Haram conundrum is a danger to the political, economic and social values of liberalism. Politically, it constitutes a danger for playing conventional politics in the regions affected including freedom of political association, support and participation. Economically, it disrupts, weakens and slows down the process of economic development initiated by affected states. Socially, it causes trouble to the social emancipation of the people of the affected regions.


How to Cite
Wilfred, G. N. (2017). The Boko Haram Conundrum: A Menace against the Contours of Liberal Societies (Case of Cameroon, Nigeria, Mali and Niger). The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(8). Retrieved from